Be Your Own Driving Force

How do some players improve so much faster than others in almost every aspect of the game - in skill acquisition, game understanding, and sport psychology?  Why do some players handle adversity better than others, and persist in the face of the same obstacles that stop others?

Our athletes and soccer players at the Springs Soccer Club must take responsibility for their own goals and actions, embrace learning and challenge, and accept personal accountability for their destiny.  We made parents aware that some of our athletes create the cause of their own failure by blaming others for shortcomings, making excuses for setbacks, and refusing responsibility for their destiny. We do not want these mentalities and offered parents practical tips on IDP. Our athletes need to make more effort away from their own team and get mentorship from a club coach or one of our IDP coaches at the club. 

We have to teach them that they have to put in that discretionary effort.  Discretionary effort is the effort which is opted in.  Not the effort you have to give, but the effort you choose to give.  It is the difference between the effort required to perform to the base level in your role on the team and the effort required to lift your on and off field performance statistics to a higher level.  It is about doing your job to the highest possible level of execution … Players and athletes who give high levels of discretionary effort behave in a way which is always in the team’s best interest.

Please find attached the club link on the website to start implementing your own IDP and get a mentor trainer at the club at the club. On this link you will first need to fill out your IDP plan before you get a club trainer.

Please help your kids to be their own driving force:

    •    Be your own driving force in achieving your goals.

    •    Be relentless in asking questions and implementing change in your game.

    •    Hold yourself to the highest standards and accountability for your performance.

    •    Choose to make the effort to be the absolute best in execution and make those around you better.

Contact Information

Springs Soccer Club
Cypress Park
1301 Coral Springs Drive
Coral Springs, FL 33076

Phone: (954) 282-5215
